Here Are The Pros And Cons Of Very Low Calorie Diets

Before beginning any diet, even an intense one, it would be wise to check it out beforehand. Some of these diets are quite effective, however they are not for everybody; it would behoove you to consult your physician. In this piece, we intend on pointing out the helpful and the harmful aspects of intensive weight loss diets.

The very low calorie diet has a big advantage for patients suffering from their weight due to them being obese because it can help them to shed their weight very quickly. Every month a total of 20 pounds can be lost, as with this diet 5 pounds can be lost per week. For anybody with a medical condition such as high cholesterol, hypertension or heart disease this can benefit them ever so much and it can sometimes save people's lives. The guidance of a doctor for this type of weight loss is very important, especially so if you are already getting treatment for a health condition. It's essential that you work with your doctor to create a plan that'll maintain your weight loss for the months to come.

The Rice Diet was comprised in the 1930s by Walter Kempner, who felt that a food regimen that was largely made up of rice; was a good treatment for such illnesses as hypertension and kidney disease. This particular diet can also help some people shed a few pounds. Rice is not the only food you consume in this food regimen, but you better like it; because it is required with all that you eat. The best news when it comes to the Rice Diet is you can do away with most refined food stuffs; plus is almost void of sugars, fat and salt. On the other hand, this is a fairly extreme diet so that it's not something most people will want to do forever.

If you decide to attempt a food plan with very few calories, you are looking at two primary avenues. You can either go on a diet that gives you formula packets, so that you don't have to worry about counting calories, or you can restrict calories on your own. The latter option allows you more liberty; but you will need to be very conscious of what you consume. You'll have to cut out high calorie snacks, for example. There are many other great foods like fresh veggies, rice cakes, low fat yogurt and countless other healthy snacks. Carbohydrates are something to keep your distance from; if you need to eat bread; try a variety made with sprouted wheat flour rather than the processed ones. Refined sugars are not healthy and should be avoided, along with high fructose corn syrup.

In closing, extremely low calorie food programs are not the answer for all dieters, but if your physician gives you a heads up and you wish to choose the intensity, it may be helpful for you. We have covered some of the choices available, in this commentary. There is a myriad of choices out there, all open for consideration; just remember to check out your options and take heed to testimonials and related stories.

James Steele is famous for being a committed blogger. He has written on multiple topics including Article Marketing, online marketing and network marketing. Checkout his article on Talk Fusion review and on Qivana review


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