How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

A decreased level of hormone testosterone is experienced in men at the age of 30. This marks the onset of the Andropause or else the male menopause, a stage synonymous with a marked behavioral and bodily change in men. A number of these characteristics like diminished urge for sex, reduced energy, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, and an irritable behavior can be seen at this age. There are a number of ways that can be used to increase testosterone naturally in a man body.

Most men at this stage has erectile dysfunction, reduced energy, reduced sexual urge, loss of muscles that are lean, and increased male temperament. This however, should not be a cause of worry since there are a number of ways that can increase this hormone naturally. To start with, men have to increase supply of zinc. Zinc enhances the production of this hormone naturally in human body.

There are a number of food materials that are rich in zinc supply. They include seafood, oysters, tuna fish, salmon fishes, milk, beans, nuts, yoghurt, and cheese. The other thing a man fighting to raise the level of this hormone should do is to raise the level of fats in their diets.

Here it should however be noted that not all fats are recommended, the most recommended fats are the essential fats. The most essential fats are the omega 3. A number of researches have revealed that males who commonly add essential fats in their meals have recorded higher levels of this hormone.

There are a number of food items that are rich in essential fats such as the avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon fish, and fish sardines in their diet. This should not mean that we include in our menu foods that are high in fat. Diet should be followed very carefully for effective results.

Besides getting the much needed increased level of essential fats, the man will be able to get 20% of their calories on a daily basis from such fat foods. The essential fats food material would not only raise testosterone, but such fats help in unclogging heart arteries. This would increase blood circulation in an individual body which in turn would raise their erectile function and good for their libido.

Working out is another way of increasing the level of this hormone in the body. It has been proven that hard workouts and intense exercises are a great way to increase testosterone naturally. A number of compounds workouts like bench press, squats, chin ups, and dead lifts are one of the remedies for a decreased level of its production.

Get the facts on testosterone and how it can make you feel better. A testosterone supplement can help you enjoy life to the fullest.


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